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Old 01-29-2010, 02:11 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Bend,Oregon
Posts: 225
can you mount a hydrobooster upside down ?

the master cylinder will mount either way on the booster. so ? if you were to mount the hydrobooster up side down ? would there be any adverse affects? the only thing i can tell is that maybe there would be some drain back into the pump when the engine is not running? or maybe some kind of valve problem like flutter or somthing ?the only reason i ask is that i got a adapter plate from the guys at tallon hydrolics( wich id like to say are verry helpful and nice guys), the plate is for the 67-72 trucks, i got it all put togather on the truck and its up side down ! the little nub is on the opposite side, and the hydro booster is clocked 180deg. ! it looks good with the hoses coming from the bottom insted of the top( nice and cleen !). and im thinking of leaving it insted of sending it back and getting the rite one.anyone ever done this ? thanks guys !
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