Originally posted by swervin ervin
...I'm sorry to say, but your wife is probably right. You will live with the truck for awhile. It's nice to be able to tear it apart and leave everything laying right where it fell, if you like. I'm a neat freak when it comes to my stuff, but sometimes, after working on something for hours, you get tired and say, ahh, it's fine until tomorrow.
A man and his shop. It's a beautiful thing.
I definitely agree whole-heartedly, Mike. My current setup is sooooo frustrating. The space is so small, I'm forever moving things around just to get at stuff. The other day I must have spent a total of an hour looking for my safety glasses just to do a 2 minute wire brushing job on my exhaust pipes. Ended up not finding them until a couple days later....aaarrrrgggg.
Not to mention as soon as it rains, I gotta go hide inside. Shame is, I've always liked rainy weather, but not when I need to work on something in the driveway....
Oh well, if all goes as planned, those days are numbered.