Thread: Project NOT4SLE
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Old 01-29-2010, 05:15 PM   #384
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Re: Project NOT4SLE

Since EVERY auto parts store lists the wrong inner Tie Rods from Moog no one stocks the correct ones. So I am SOL till at least tomorrow and maybe until Monday.

So I will upload a few more pics from building this up.

This is the way the nut is. It is tightened inside the cotter key hole. I am not sure why the hole is so far out. I put a cotter key through it and it should be fine.

If you are running Coys youll have to turn the snout down on some rotors. Mine you did. They also have a shallow cap that needs a shallow dust cap on the snout. took less the 5 minutes on each rotor and the cap fits perfect with this dust cap

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