I agree that the stock type steel line is superior to a copper line. However I guess I should have elaborated more. I was mainly referring to using the copper line on aftermarket gauges as opposed to the plastic/nylon line that comes with the pressure gauges. I've had the plastic/nylon lines get brittle from underhood heat and fail. I'm not aware of a source for a steel line that small, just the copper line kits from gauge manufacturers such as Autometer
Originally Posted by 62gmc910
I am not trying to be a pain but the stock or for that matter any oil guage line is not made from copper tubing , the steel lines had a brass type coating on them to prevent corosion. Copper is prone to fatigue failure in this type of application , I learned this little bit of trivia the messy way. As for there being any danger from PROPPERLY installed mechanical feed line failures I think meteor strikes are more likely, but if you just slopp the line in, any thing is possible but so is fire from impropperly installed wires 