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Old 01-30-2010, 12:37 PM   #6
68 C-10 Panel
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Re: Engine[six] ????????

Yes, never assume anything...!!!! Ha I posted some questions up here a while ago about a vacuum issue I was having and didn't get one response. So being the persistent bastard I am I trudged on blindly. By the time I tracked down the little -temp vacuum switch- with the 3/8"npt not the 1/2"npt, I with the help of the napa guy came up with some crappy info. Now this is my first 67-72 chevy so its all been a learning experience. Anyways the P.O. switched the darn head on my 250 with a integral head off a 73-79 Nova. Just what I needed another boat anchor. Thats why there was no hook up for the manual choke.But no big deal, a $30 switch sets me off to get a 300 dollar head and I can return it to original. Oh and did we mention ......never assume anything
68 C-10 Panel (fixing) 250-6,3ott
93 k1500 pickup DD

"When a man is old enough to figure out his dad was right, he has a son who thinks he's wrong" Charles Wadsworth
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