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Old 05-01-2003, 04:08 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Modesto, CA
Posts: 1,321
Results after getting the ignition tuned: More spin

Well, after getting softer springs in my distributor's mechanical advance mechanism, and getting it to have full advance (36º) at 3000rpm, I took it out for a test drive. Having my friend in the car (he weighs 250) it seemed like it didn't burn out as FAR, but it seemed to take longer to actually start moving. What I mean is, I think the tire spun FASTER this time, which made me have LESS traction, so I started smoking longer before I started moving.) Also could be because my friend wanted to do it, and I THINK he let out of it up top. (wussy!)
Me and my friends are going to use a wideband o2 sensor this weekend to get my idle air mixture dead on 14.3:1. Who needs a vacuum gauge, when you got a wideband o2 sensor! :p
I have a few cars...
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