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Old 01-31-2010, 07:47 AM   #6
jim zag
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Re: Oil Pan Gasket problems

I have discovered why so many Small Blocks leak in the front where the pan and timing cover meet. The new timing covers have the pan seal piece spot welded on with only a few spot welds. The oil coming out of the front main bearing goes in between the spot welds and leaks out in front of the pan gasket. Look at your timing cover. I took a flashlight and I could see light in between the pieces. The original GM covers had one long weld. I am now soldering this area before installing any covers. Make sure the front pan seal is a snug fit in the cover. Most aftermarket covers do not hold the front rubber seal tight. Use a pair of pliers to squeeze it together. Most of the aftermarket stuff from Taiwan or China does not fit well!
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