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Old 01-31-2010, 07:50 PM   #1
1976 Silverado
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Emporia Kansas
Posts: 5
Sad At What My Truck Is Now...

Well idk where to begin.. This is long and just am sharing a little bit about me... im a 19yr old college student. i first recieved my truck from my father as my birthday gift at 16years of age. i was dumb, immature, unable to handle what i had recieved. it had a crate 350 goodwrench which i thought was the fastest thing around. i would abuse it every chance i got. i ruined the 20'' rims. broke two of them at age 17. with no job my father felt bad and bought me some 15'' american racing rims. me still being an immature idiot went out the first night i put them on. ended up in a ditch on the highway after another car i was racing pitted me. 1 rim was broke into pieces. so my father again bought me rims. he bought me stock 95 silverado rims. and at age 18.. i blew my transmission. after it was rebuilt and being a drunken idiot was driving and reversed into another truck. my bed was torn to pieces. my father said this is the last time i help you. he bought another bed from a truck for me. it is silver in color. so now my truck is blue. with a silver bed and blue tailgate. the right wheel whobbles and im sure i need a new axle. after losing my license for the past year i have learned alot. how driving is not a right but a privilege. my father told me to sell my truck that it wasnt worth it to try to fix it to buy a small car. i was about to purchase another car when i saw an old picture of what my truck once was. i felt so bad and at that moment knew i didnt care how much it would cost i would repair my truck. i looked into lmc website and found all the parts i need for my truck. it will cost around 2,000 for hood both fenders both doors and new bed. i will post pictures soon of what it once was.. and what it is now...
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