Sorry for the delay.
Just so you guys know........
I have two sets.
One set was installed but never driven, the truck sat 2"+ too high for what I wanted, but we did not have the motor or tank in it. Once installed we knew we had a problem.
The Tuff Country part number and tag say 4", but it is really a 6" as measured by the tape.
Below is a pic of the springs and shows the amount of arch in each spring.
So I will need to know which set you want. I think I have the removed bushings. On my truck, we went to the larger diameter drilled out bolts with zerks so we could grease the shackles. If you want to do that, take the ones w/o bushings.
Go to my build site:
There are pics of the bolts.
I think I got the trim ring shortage handled. So it would be a sale.
special-k - Your #1 21771 Zip $ 55.00/LEAF with ins.
chevy71super - Your #2 need zip guess $ 70.00/LEAF
blue_71 - Your #3 need zip guess $ 50.00/LEAF
Let me know guys!