Thread: tank relocation
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Old 02-05-2010, 06:39 AM   #2
Larry S
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Re: tank relocation

Im working on mine now. I bought a blazer tank kit for relocation on my truck. There has to be some fabricating for this to work. You must remove the small cross piece for the spare tire. Also you will have to knoch out the cross sill under the bed that goes left to right where the 2nd set of bed bolts (from the back) are located. The bed wont sit all the way down unless you do this on a short bed fleetside. I have my tank in frame. I havent figured my filler out for sure yet. Some guys are hinging the marker light on the bed, some are hinging the tail light. some are filling in the bed floor. Also there are some places on here that sells fuel cells. Hindsite, that cost more initally but it will be alot easier. Do some searches on this site, theres alot of info on here. Search side marker light fuel fill.
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