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Old 02-05-2010, 07:56 PM   #1
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Location: Yukon OK
Posts: 70
68 GMC transmission problem

My sons 68 GMC pu won't go. Put it into any gear and it sits like it's in neutral. The linkages are ok and if you push it after it warms up, it'll go. Any ideas what it could be? we dumped half a quart of lucas oil into it to help and to bring the level up to normal, but it's still doing it. Any ideas/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

'67 Chevy C10
'68 GMC PU
'98 Turd F150 4x4 (I think it may be a chevy under the logo it's such a good truck)
'10 Mustang

"Life's tough - it's even tougher if you're stupid." John Wayne
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