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Old 02-06-2010, 12:10 AM   #10
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: 68 GMC transmission problem

I'll stand up for the kid though...
Assuming the pan is filled with silver/black sediment...
The tranny may have been in self destruct mode before your son ever laid his foot into it. While he has probably spun the tires in it a few times, unless he's been going through rear tires like crazy, I wouldn't blame him for the damage done to the trans. It's an old truck, and there's no telling how long that trans has been in service, or how the previouse owner treated it. The sad truth is, the average joe never thinks about doing a fluid and filter flush on a tranny, until the fluid is black or the trans is slipping. By then, in all reality, it is too late.
Now, if the boy has been killing tires left and right, then maybe he should fund the rebuild on his own. I'd be willing to bet he'd treat it with a little more respect after a few C-notes are spent on repairs.
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