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Old 02-06-2010, 08:50 PM   #17
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Re: Wheel Bearings question

Originally Posted by elektrik View Post
Ok, so I'm back from the tire center. They did say that the tires were grossly out of balance and that one of the rear rims was bent (great, more money), but it still isn't solving the original problem. When I'm driving, I can feel what almost seems like (now that I think about it) one of the rims had loose lugs & the rim was wobbly....Wonder if I'm being "fooled" into thinking there's something wrong in the front, when the rim (in the rear) is actually causing the problem... much fun...
How badly bent is that rim? That would be the next thing I would check. Do you have a spare? Maybe try to find a board member near you that would swap wheels and tires with you just long enough to isolate the problem.

EDIT: Did you have them rotated? If not you could still rotate them and see if the issue feels like it moves. You are heading in the right direction. Your new description of the problem could certainly be a bent rim. I have had that feeling from an aftermarket rim not seating properly because it hit the weights on the rear drum.

Last edited by OhOneWS6; 02-06-2010 at 08:56 PM.
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