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Old 05-02-2003, 02:28 PM   #12
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Hey Jay

I couldn't agree with you more. I think it is unfair and unreasonable for teachers to grade based on their own prejudices BUT human nature being what it is, we all know it happens.

My point was that you may enjoy your cars and think a lot about Ford vs Chevy or big vs small blocks but most teachers are not interested. You will do better if you figure out what they want to hear and give it to them. It is know as regurgitating (did I spell that right). Most teachers will tell you they want you to think but in my experience what they really want is for you to think like them. Sad but in my experience, true.

If he really wants to write on an auto related issue, he would likely be better to write something along the lines of the pros and cons of classic cars vs new cars or something that all can understand and not just people who have had an engine apart themselves.
1968 Chevy - 292 with a powerglide
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