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Old 02-07-2010, 01:39 PM   #1
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Question engine swap info

Hello all. Im sure Ive posted this before but I cant find it. My 67 cab is rusted out bad.More so than I personally am able to fix. I bought an 88 c2500 for the brake swap minus eng&trans.I decided not to remove parts from the 88 because its repairable. Soooo, why dont I put the 292 from my 67 into the 88? What problems will I find with this swap? I prefer a manual trans to the auto so I would have to swap the pedals and such. If this would be a big pita to change over I could trade the 88 for a decent cab for the 67. The 292 is a good running engine, just no seatbelts because of the rust. Oh and the 4:11 gears,3 speed trans, yall know, the good stuff. The 88 isnt beat up, its not perfect either but a good body to work with. What 5 speed trans will work in the 88 with a 292? NV3500? Thanks for any info. Muley
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