Thread: Where do I get?
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Old 02-07-2010, 04:26 PM   #1
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Unhappy Where do I get?

The tear down is finally complete, I just need a few more parts. These are the last few I can't buy new. I need the rear cross member for the frame on my 72 GMC K2500. The one that the rubber mallet is sitting on in the picture. I also need the upper rear shock mounts right in back of them. Both are real rotten and beyond repair. Since the junkyards here in Maine are exactly that... full of junk I hope someone else knows where I can get some nice ones. I believe you can buy new ones for a C20 (shock mounts) but not a K20. Once I have these I can paint the frame and start reassembly. I am getting the itch to start working on this thing again and when it's warm enough where the metal doesn't stick to my hands I will get at it.

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