Earlier this week i put this in:
Its very simple and basic and i like that. :-)
Bought and installed a gps unit tonight.
Had a pioneer navi headunit in the mustang, so i needed a gps for my new daily driver :-)
yeah, that means i'm keeping the truck
Also got the carb tuned in some more. i need to track test it, but so far, it's running better than ever before. 5500+ rpms and its not cutting out, but again, need to take it to the track to fine tune it. throttle response is much better too :-) it feels like its running like it should have been for years.
oh, and on another note, found out for sure my speedo is dead on :-) matches the gps perfectly! I'm happy i sprung for the electric version over the mechanical. makes gear/tire changes so easy :-D
also bought a new pet for me and the boy. Her name is Libby.
Me and the ex wife had 2 ferrets before my son was born, and i've wanted to get another one for a long time :-)