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Old 02-08-2010, 03:03 AM   #35
69 longhorn
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Re: Best All Around Motor?

If you are talking "old school SB", the 327 has my vote also. IMHO, that short stroke /big bore SB did give up a little tork as compaired to a 350....but that lill bioch would REV & do it fast! The thing that we all understand, & that there is no replacement for displacement. However, that is not the complete game......make ALL the pcs match(cam/gearing/ect), & that lill short stroke mouse will kick some azz, even in a 3800 lb truck. I ran a flat top 327 +.040 LJ, in a 4 bolt block. She was wearin LT-1 heads & a mild cam(216 dur @ .050),headers 650 vac spreadbore . The old truck ran a saginaw 4 spd, with 3.50 1st gear & 3.73s in the rear, & was just as happy pulling 5000 lbs on the towbar as she was bustin gears playin with those old carburated 302 Stangs. I have heard it said many times, by old racers....."if you got the gears, you dont need a big motor" just need enough rpms to run the gears! crazyAL

Last edited by 69 longhorn; 02-08-2010 at 03:04 AM. Reason: spelling
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