Thread: TX 98 454 Vortec 4L80E
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Old 02-09-2010, 04:35 PM   #1
high-Tech Red Neck
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98 454 Vortec 4L80E

I have a 454 vortec and 4L80E for sale, the engine is good, was pulled from a running truck the first week in December, I have the computer, wiring harness, serpentine drive, hydraboost, and tranny cooler.

Basicly everything you would need to install it. I was going to install it in my wrecker, but I have decided to go with a Cummins instead so both of my trucks will be Diesel.

I am asking 1500 firm for everything. Located in Corpus Christi, tx

Call me on my cell 361 443 2057
"He used to be a pretty nice feller, now he's a welder!"
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