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Old 02-09-2010, 07:52 PM   #1
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Hydraboost brake quirks??? Help please.

I just replaced the front calipers on my dually because they didnt seem to be working properly. If I stomp the brake pedal, it pulls to the right if i don't hold the wheel. When I start to drive again it feels like the left front brake is hung up a bit. For some reason the brake pads (brand new from previous owner) dont have clips that go into the piston, or clips that go on the back side of the caliper on the outside. What I don't understand is that the truck is pulling to the right when I brake hard. but the outside of the rotor on the right side barely looks like its rubbing. I really don't like these slide type (delco?) calipers, I would much rather have the bolt type, they just seem to slide better. With the caliper replacement, the brakes seem to be working better, but they're still pulling and acting strange. Any ideas or suggestions guys?
It's a Jeep towing machine! (at least it will be)
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