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Old 05-02-2003, 10:48 PM   #10
low 84
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Originally posted by swervin ervin
Good news indeed.

One question, why a Dave Ray distributor? Why not a MSD? Dave's distributors are good I guess, but my vote is MSD, hands down. No comparison in quality IMO. You do know that MSD has distributors that are not HEI, right?
reason i'm goin dave ray is number 1, alot of people have had really good expireance with them. 2, i'm really frustraded with curving and tialing weights and just plane screwing around with my hei trying to get the amount of mechanical advance right and all in by the right rpm. and with the no2 i really want it fine tuned. and i can give dave all the specs on my motor and drivetrain and application and he will curve and test it on i beileve a sun distributor machine, so it comes to my door already tuned perfect.

bascially the same reason i'm going with a tpc built 750 holley vacuum secondary. i give ty all my specs on the motor and the application and he builds the carb specifically for it, so takes the intimidation out of tuning a holley, truley bolt on and go.
'51 F100, backhalf with a narrowed 9 and coil overs, 18.5" mickeys, monte front clip, +400" sbc in the works

'05 1500 Crew Cab

'84 swb 5/7 drop, solid cammed 408 w/ fully ported dart heads, th350 w/ 10 inch hughes, 12 bolt w/ 3.73 richmonds and a locker
'80 swb 4x4 in progress: 7" lift, 350 th350/np205, d44 and 1.5" ORD tie rod, 14BFF w/discs , armored diff covers, 40" MTR's
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