I wanted to see if anyone besides myself is interested in acquiring one of these beautiful custom fab'd bumpers that hide the winch very effectively..? If so, we need to collect some data first starting with the frame rail blueprints if possible of the 67-72 Chevy and GMC trucks, Jimmy’s, Blazers, 4x4's... If anyone has them could you please upload a set that shows the complete measurements and also include the fender to fender numbers as well..?
Matt at Fabfours will then see if they can find a way to modify the brackets or see what has to be done to accommodate it for a proper fit.. If you have viewed their pics on their site you will be impressed with the details and workmanship of them...
- A.J.
In-work on my 5.3L/4L65E/NP208 case conversion into a 1972 GMC JImmy 4x4... Not as simple as it looks folks..