Hey Guys,
First off let me say Great Site! I learned a ton of info before I even looked at this truck. I am not a stranger to classic Chevy's, I have had a 1967 Rally Sport Camero, 1965 Chevy Carry All, 1954 Chevy Bel Air etc, but never a C10.
I will post up my tech questions after I have crawled through every inch of this thing tomorrow, but my first question is suspension and wheel related. The truck currently sits pretty raked (High in the back), I want to lower the rear to match the front. I don't want to hassle with doing a full front and rear drop and have to start modding stuff.
I have seen 2", 3", and 4" rear spring kits, and am wondering if anyone has just lowered the rear and what size spring kit you went with?
I am going to ditch the Cragars and tires (Which will be for sale if anyone is interested) and go with a different wheel set up as well. And am looking for affordable recommendations, and if anyone near CA that has wheels for sale. I like the 16" Camero style rally wheels from Vintique, but also like the 18-20" Boss look.
Anyways, i'm sure I have ranted enough, am excited to make this truck my own style. Thanks in advance for your help, and I am glad to be a part of this site.