more qs especially MIKE swervin
Ok lets say i can come up with a 350, will that bolt up to the existing automatic transmission and properly work? i know years ago i had an oldsmobile station wagon when i was an owner of private cabs and i threw a 6 cyliner transmission in it as a band aid fix while i had the th350 picked up and rebuilt and for the time i used the 6 cyl tranny ( the th 350 was vacuum advance and the 6 cyl was torque advance) it didnt have any kind of kickdown cause the two systems were incompatible for the kick down or something like that. IF i come up with a 350 motor mounts and all are the same and the only thing id have to change then is the exhaust Y pipe?
and are ya sure that theres no computer? i thought all vehicles after 1981 had emmissions computer in them? lol my truck knowledge is limited here so please dont laugh at my q's
One more stupid question I have a 250 I 6 in a 1976 c10 would i be able to swap that into the 1986 and bolt that up to the transmission?
1951 International running on a squarebody chassis
"If a man's worth is judged by the people he associates himself with, then i am the richest man in the world knowing some of the fine people of this board" (you can review the site rules here!)
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