Well I knew the horns didn't work on the c-30 I brought home yesterday so today I thought this would be an easy fix. Did install a new horn relay, checked fuse and still no horns.
There was a wire problem on the back of where the horn relay plugs in. Fixed that. No horns.
Gave up on the steering column and with a horn button and bypassing the steering wheel with wire leads, tried again. No horns but a whisper of a click from one.
So power to the horns finally and what was left? After locating these little GM 'gems' and taking off the grill to access, I removed both the horns to inspect and here is why tomorrow I am going to the junk yard for a 'new horn'. Pics say it all. Rust don't blow!
GM just couldn't put these in the engine compartment out of the weather could they? Notice how nice they appear to be when I took the grill off? When i started tapping them to see if anything was inside them like a small rodent or whatever they literally fell apart. These were both shot!
Seriously the actual horns was the last place I looked. Had to, it was all that was left. So much for learning all about horns today!
1985 Chevy C-30 Hydraulic Dump Bed
2001 Saturn SC2 (go to work car)
2010 PT Cruiser (wife's car)
"Reality is just a hallucination brought on by lack of alcohol."