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Old 02-15-2010, 11:34 AM   #1
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My father had a horrific accident!!!! Graphic Picture warning

Hey guys I wanted to share with you all a horrific accident that my retired father had last Thrusday. I. On Thursday he was cutting some metal in his house (Dont know why) and with a circular saw it hooked on the metal and jumped up and he was trying to cover him self and it got his right hand (Throttle hand) unfortunetly he lost two fingers from where it bends and the third finger was damaged pretty badly and they were able to save that one for now after a six hour emergency operation.
He had come by my office earlier that day and I spoke to him about some of the things he has been doing (He thinks he is twenty) even though he is 68 he rides his motorcycle hard all the time with my brothers, with me or whomever and we spoke about just relaxing and taking it a bit easier then not even 45 minutes later I get the histerical phone call from my mother. Please put my dad in your prayers he is out of commission for at least three to four months.

I have made some great friendships in here, my dad needs your prayers

here are a couple of picts of the damaged goods....

Thanks fellows.....cherish everyday like it's your last I could of lost my dad if the saw would had gotten his chest, neck or head...

Big Al
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