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Old 05-04-2003, 06:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Modesto, CA
Posts: 1,321
Holley 4160: How the HECK to do I get the Fast Idle Cam Screw?!?!

Seriously, it's IMPOSSIBLE to get to with the carb on. Is there any way I can simply turn it easier? I found out last night, that the fast idle cam is what's been buggin my truck! I pulled up the arm, to set the fast idle cam to 1400rpm, and I let the truck warm up for 5 minutes (hadn't been started all day) and I came back out. On the way to my friends house, the damn thing ran like a CHAMP!! So, I just gotta adjust that stupid little screw and I'm home free! Just gotta figure out what to use to do it! Any ideas?
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