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Old 02-16-2010, 06:44 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Anaheim California
Posts: 713
Hey i just got shafted! Take a look the sight of being shafted never looked so good!

Guys after making the tilt columns we stepped it up and made the show collapsible steering shafts. Unlike the original which is uglier than 10 miles of mud fence, this one is really flashy when you open the hood. It sports a CPP 3/4-36 universal joint with a 18" piece of CPP nickle shaft that iss connected to a CPP intermediate Shaft & Flange and a brand new CPP 13/16-36 ragjoint. These go hand and foot with the columns we just released but even if you already have the column this will be the best $90.00 you can spend.
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