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Old 02-17-2010, 02:15 PM   #9
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Re: '49 chevy - how much $$$$ ?

the frame mods are really the stickler. if it was not done right you could be in for a world of pain. is the frame stock? most likely it has some sorta frame graft to get the v8 in. usually a nova sub frame is welded to the original. or it has a s10 frame... i would be wary of both of these unless he can vouch for the work. these can be done well and work great so don't be afraid of the mod just look very closely at the welding work and the straightness of the frame. good luck
1953 chevy 1/2 ton 5 window, chevy 350 330 horse 700r tranz, lowering spindels mustang 2 frount. ford 9", airbags on 4 corners . purchased in 1983 for $325 while in high school
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