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Old 05-04-2003, 10:01 PM   #10
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Originally posted by bigd65
is there a benefit in performance, i dont have any other problem with that
Performance with what?
The avalible amps in the battery system? Yes
Net power at the rear wheel? No
Considering the ineffcient nature of all batteries, wire, and everything else hooked to charging system it actually hurts power as you have to offset the weight of the second battery and wire.
To see how much this would be just take a car battery on a jog around the block. If you carry it by hand you see how much power it takes.
When you add that you have to turn the alternator to charge that second battery the loss of power becomes more apparent.
A good little test of this is to unhook the belt on your alternator and switch something 12v on while trying to turn the pulley with your hand.
This is something I have shown many people that want to add a electric fan to replace the stock one.
It still takes power to turn the electric one. In usually takes more power to turn the electric fan than to turn the stock one.
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