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Old 02-17-2010, 05:18 PM   #4
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Re: Diesel dash bezel and radio delete plate..what do they look like?

A few more shots....notice in the upper right corner there is a slight cut out. I thought that it was broken, but it is cut out for the screw head.

I scrubbed down the bezel and the plate...they look much better now.

A few more pix.

As for the WIF and WTS lights in the bezel...not sure that I will use them now. I will probably not runt he grid heaters on the cummins, and will remove the leaky water in fuel stuff from the fuel filter. Most say that by the time that light comes on, you are screwed anyway! Kinda like the dummy oil pressure light...when it comes is already TOO LATE

Added a pic of the back side of the delete plate without the hold down bracket.
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Last edited by Jimmer; 02-17-2010 at 05:20 PM.
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