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Old 05-04-2003, 10:25 PM   #11
Rollin' Member
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Location: Hayward, California
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this thread is like the story of me becoming a truck owner.

on 4/1 of this year i was coming home from work in my 97 civic and there is this one spot on the freeway where traffic always comes to a complete halt. well i stopped, but the Mercedes behind me didn't stop until impact.

well the poor civic is no more. i have to give it some credit for saving me - i mean dude was going about 55 mph.

i almost had driven my 73 new yorker that day - lucky for him i didn't.

i have always been a fan of older cars - but got the honda for my long commute. needless to say - the new yorker doesn't get the greatest gas milage.

so - the end result of this story is my 1977 chevy c-10 - which i just bought this weekend and i have to say i love it. i have never owned a truck before - just a lot of old....erm.... vintage cars and one new one, but i have always thought it would be cool to have a truck. visiting swervin's site and lurking around here for a few days convinced me.

by the way - my names scott, you'll prolly see me around more - ya'll got a cool site here.
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