Well, i had that end of the arms done for now so on to the other end, because i was using flex joints, i got some DOM tubing threaded to accept my joints, the threads are 1 1/4". the sleeves are 5 inches long. on the end of the sleeves i attached some square solid stock in a cross fashin, this was then welded up to the DOM tubing. i made a plate for the other end of the tubing as well, i cut a hole in it with a hole saw and my drill press. i proceeded to insert the section now into the arm. i drilled four holes in the arm that equates to where the solid stock will be. i left the end of the DOM tubing sticking out 3/16" for welding. i also welded the backside of it, but make sure that you get it square.

Here it is welded up.

Now back to the other end. I now needed some extra strength for where the springs and rearend sit. so i cut 2 pieces 3" by 17" in lenght. i then used C- clamps to hold these in place and bend them as needed. they are centered and fully welded all the way around. now all that is left is to drill the holes for the rear differential and spring. the spring hole i am gonna drill a hole on just the top and insert a bushing with threads in it that will be welded to the arm, for the bolt to attach through the top.

One of the finished top with the joint

and the final product