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Old 02-18-2010, 01:48 PM   #8
budman k20
1972 K20
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Greenfield MN
Posts: 360
Re: How to replace frame crossmember?

I did a quick look at my current cross member and it looked like I would have to drill an extra hole one each side to mount the 73. If I remember correctly the 72 has only 4 rivets. The 73 has 6 so I was thinking that I was going to use the existing four holes in the frame and drill two new ones in the bottom of the frame rails. From your comments it sounds like that will not work? Do you have any suggestions as to the best way (which holes to use) to mount the 73 cross member? I can't think of anything that be in the way if the 73 cross member is at a different angle? This may not be as big of a problem on a 4x4 as there is a lot of room because the engine is set back so far. Sounds like some people have had good luck with grade 8 bolts instead of rivets.
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