Thread: C-30 progress
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:03 AM   #5
RuralRoute C-30
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Re: C-30 progress

Not sure who the manufacturer of the bed is. Only history I have was the truck was originally a wrecker, original owner retired and sold that part and bought a salvaged 04 chevy 1-ton flatbed that the cab was burned up and converted this C-30 with that flatbed to a pto driven dump bed.

Have yet to find any markings on the bed except what looks to be a newer than 85 warning label that states the obvious(in so many words): "Don't stick your head under it when it is up" to speak.

Gotta love the 1-tons!
1985 Chevy C-30 Hydraulic Dump Bed
2001 Saturn SC2 (go to work car)
2010 PT Cruiser (wife's car)

"Reality is just a hallucination brought on by lack of alcohol."
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