Originally Posted by lt704
Hi 68stepbed, does your lokar connect to a nuetral safety switch ? also does it have any shift indicator or do you just where the gear is ?. the lokar looks cool...thanks
Yes it had a neutral safety switch, but I never wired it.
Originally Posted by huero
I don't know if they have updated their shifters but you get only one switch. Either nuetal saftey or reverse lights but, not both.
Mine had hook ups for both, but I didn't have reverse lights, so.......
Originally Posted by AusTx68
Make sure the length fits the look you are after. I installed the 23" Lokar shown in 68Stepbed's photo. It was way too long for my taste. As you can see in his photo, the shifter knob is above the radio and almost goes above the dash line. Felt like I was in an 18 wheeler. I took it out and returned it to Summit for the same shifter in 16". That should put the shift know down by the vent controls.
You're right, the length makes a big difference. The 23" shifter happened to look good with the theme I had going. It was a tad tall though. I was gonna swap it for the 16" when I restored it, but decided to go with column shift for a cleaner look instead.