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Old 02-19-2010, 09:51 PM   #5
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Re: 2 motors/2 projects

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I'm pretty sure a 454/TH400 combo was an option in a '72 Chevelle so issues with that swap should be minimal.

I'd make the decision based on how I intended to use the two. If one is likely to be driven a lot or on trips, I'd probably think small block in that one, and if one is going to be just a toy that rarely goes very far, I'd be the big block in it.

Big blocks can be a lot of fun. I love being able to smoke the tires any time I get the urge. My inner-17-year-old is gray and wrinkled but still likes to play!
That combo was an option and wouldn't be too bad. The only things that I know of, to do the swap, would be the drive shaft, motor mounts, and possibly something with the valve cover/brake booster clearance.

I would rather put the BB in the car, and the SB in the truck, but I was thinking about cost. I can't think of anything I would have to do different to the truck, for one motor or the other.
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