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Old 02-20-2010, 10:40 AM   #4
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Re: A Little Chuckle Perhaps

Originally Posted by umwtnt View Post
Yes, she definitely is a keeper! And it sounds like you made out on that deal.
One thing is that I got rid of some big ol tires that would of taken up a lot of room to store ,,and besides who needs a second set of tires and wheels for the same truck.. I came out of the deal only paying $688 difference for the wheels and new tires.

Originally Posted by bwood View Post
They may have seen her standing in the window, and felt compelled to follow through.... Just kiddin.

Never know ,,but she did have my back and in this economy who knows what kind of people are out there that will knock you in the head and run for it ,,I didnt give them a chance to ask if they could try the whole set on to see it they would fit ..They were polite and they did pay and the wad of $20 bills were all good and the bank took them ,,so all went well ,,so most likely they were on the up and up..

I had a similar situation once. I was having a "heated argument" with a neighbor (about 12 years ago) once over a break in on my truck and a very similar "new" stereo in his truck. About 5 minutes in, my wife (girlfriend then) walks out from around the carport and puts a ball bat in my hand.

She was thinking ,,wasnt she? yeah,,keep her too my friend .LOL
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