More progress today and it was a long one:
Shocks x's 4 all around, vacuum advance hose had a hidden leak, now replaced,(now know why it was running sluggish,I thought it was just the low gearing, a friend clued me in on this one), new plugs, cap, rotor and wires too.
The shocks were the grief maker. Can someone tell someone these bolts do NOT have to be installed with an impact wrench?
A lot of PB lube and breaker bar wrenching to get the old ones off. At least with the dump bed up it was easier to do the rears. (see pics for my overkill version on how to work securely with the bed in the up position...I am a safety nut!)
Add the 2 new front tires installed this morning and now a "new" spare tire exists(used one tire from the take-offs) with rim (took the spare rim from the 79).
Conclusion: Just the plugs, cap and rotor, and especially that new vacuum advance hose has this old truck running like a new one now!
Yes, today was one of those days all the work was worth it when I took it for a drive after dark for a test run. It literally runs and feels like a different truck now. Responsive, plenty of power, handles and rides great and just all around what it should be.
...and the to-do list is dwindling but it still continues. Yet today was a major one on mechanical improvements and handling. Can't wait for warmer weather to clean-up the engine but it is a work truck project in progress.
Some pics:
This is what put the shocks on the list. Front ones were not as bad:

Safety precautions:

It ain't pretty(yet) parts were installed after this pic. Runs better than it looks now!

...and it sure doesn't look like the last engine I had around. Sold this to do this C-30 project.
I think the truck is undoubtably the better choice. I was getting tired of the 'garage queen'.
A great thanks to all here on knowledge shared and the faq's and search engines!...definitely still a work in progress.