I hear everything you're saying. I love old original trucks, just as much as hot rods. If I decide to do an original build, I wouldn't expect modern performance. I'd more than likely upgrade the brakes, but running a 228 would not bother me. I know I'd never break 65 mph (hell, probably never break 55,

), but that's the fun of it. I want to keep it close to completely original, but not interested in doing a 100 point resto...maybe in the future.
If this were just some truck I bought off of Craigslist I'd gut it, slam it and make a hot rod. But this isn't just some truck. Plus, this thing is pretty rare - I'm not sure how many hydramatic 53's were made, but I have yet to see another. I'd love to keep her stock, but for what it will cost to get her there I could build a hot rod, twice...maybe 3 times.
Heck I dont know...ask me next week and I'll want to do something totally different.