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Old 02-22-2010, 07:35 PM   #5
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Re: Brought this home..1954 1 ton

Originally Posted by BlueJeep View Post
Isn't it that the bumper is the same, but the brackets are heavier and different? They mount perpendicular to the frame horns vs. parallel.
Both the mounting and the bumper itself are different.

The 1-ton frame extends further out and has a casting on the front that the bumper bracket attaches too. The brackets are much flatter than the 1/2-ton type.

The bumper is two pieces. One is a very stiff bar, almost like a piece of heavy strap, that fits behind the bumper and stretches across the mounts. The second piece is the one that shows and it is a much thicker piece of steel than the stock 1/2- or 3/4-ton.

If you ever pick one up you'll immediately feel the difference. They look thicker and are much heavier.
'55 1st GMC Suburban - '54 GMC 1-ton trailer puller (in process) - '54 GMC 1-ton Hydra-Matic - '47 Chevy AD COE and lots more rusty old iron. . . is offline   Reply With Quote