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Old 02-22-2010, 07:36 PM   #1
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oh yeah - rusty cowls too

One more thing - that 55 1st series truck has some rust in the lower cowls - just behind where the back of the front fenders meet the body - so I'm expecting the rust inside the cowls to be fairly messy - what I see now is just on pictures sent by the owner showing through the existing (scarily fresh) paint job. Going to inspect in person this weekend - but if it's bad, just wondering what you may have had experience with as far as correcting these rusty spots - and what to avoid (for instance, if front cab supports rusted, etc - or inner kick panel, etc).

New to trucks this old, been a car guy most my life - appreciate any insight in the difficulty of fixing these areas depending on how bad it really is and availability of patch panels, replacement cowl sheetmetal, etc - for when I see it in person.

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