Sorry, I have not put blocks in my truck (well, not yet anyways

This may be tough to tell without taking the truck apart, but is the rearend sitting on the right spot of the control arms? Not sure if the blocks have some sort of locating pin, but maybe the blocks and rearend are sitting too far foward or back on the control arms
Also, not sure if its possible, but if there is enough pressure on the rearend from the panhard bar, could it maybe be "twisting" the rear end?
My truck is dropped much less, about 3-4" (the 6" springs in my sig are not in yet) and already the rearend is pushed about 1-2" to the right side
I plan on buying a Super Track bar kit from Early Classic (65-up.) It will have to be modified where it mounts to the frame, to make it work on my 64.
We'll thats whats planned anyways