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Old 02-23-2010, 03:57 PM   #9
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Re: temp guage- need help with correct sensor

When I put the crate engine in my truck, it had a different size hole in the head for the sending unit. I bought one for a 70s model truck, and fit perfectly.

When I was breaking in the engine, it quickly overheated according to the gauge. I asked around here, and was told it might be different. I bought a new sender that was correct for my year of truck, and got a brass adapter from Lowes to make it fit. Temps were right where they were supposed to be.

Since then, I have seen the issue pop up on the board several times, and changing to the sender that matches the gauge has always resolved it.

'86 Chevy C10 (Sold 04/19/13 )
Stock '01 Silverado

Last edited by Slonaker; 02-23-2010 at 03:58 PM. Reason: clarification
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