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Old 02-23-2010, 10:47 PM   #8
haha, ford guys...
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Re: Trans fluid in my coolant

Originally Posted by 1971gmcshortbed View Post
I would be more worried about the coolant/water in the trans than the trans fluid in the coolant.
giving that the trans SHOULD be covered in ATF (atf and water not bonding) the trace amounts of water will wanna be out of the tranny asap (as soon as the drain plug is pulled) on the rare case that the water finds a hiding spot while not running, yes, it should be flushed at least twice.. so good point.

Now atf in water is another story. the atf will want to find a piece of iorn and hide, and wait for any more atf to cling and eventually get all its little buddys to jam around water jackets and cause gunk and bad stuff....(atf being polarized and more boyant) ((oil sits ON TOP of water))
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