Well, cutting the wood and sanding (if you go that route) and varnishing it may take about 2 hours plus the time it takes for the varnish to sit and however many coats etc....etc....maybe a day and a half.
then after you got your bed strips and bolt set (both you can get from either chevyduty or LMC) It should only take a good long two days to install the wood, if you got the time by yourself....if not maybe about a week or so. Also some people will recomend that you remove the bed, it is not the only way to do it. It is still pretty easy with the bed on. You just gotta be on your back alot.
and when your done, you'll be damn proud of it...and then realize...damn i need a bed mat or bed cover. I'll post a pic of mine soon. In about a year I have varnished mine twice....by need, that might not be likely in all cases.....just had too much weather on it. My girfreinds dad did hers ten years ago, and only revarnished it a year ago, it looks aged, but is hard as hell.