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Old 02-24-2010, 10:12 PM   #8
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Posts: 25
Re: Replacing rear coils

I am a rookie at working on these trucks, so my approach might be completely wrong. I was able to get the lower bolts loose without much effort. The upper bolts were not going to move, they were rusted together. I went and picked up a 4 and ½ inch grinder and a few flapper disc’s. (The disc’s run about $6 at Home Depot). Using the grinder, I just ground the head off the upper bolt and punched it through the frame. Once the bolt was punched into the frame, it was easy to get the remains out of the frame. Again I am a rookie, it took about 45 minutes to get the first upper bolt out and about 15 minutes to get the second upper bolt out on the other side of the truck. I replaced the bolts with grade 8 bolts I picked up at the local Ace Hardware.

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