I built a 24' wide and 30' deep, I wanted a second story for a mother-in-law - guest room/apt. but did not have the budget at the time, so I at least had them make the foundation for the added weight of a second story.
Of course it rained just about everyday for the 3months I wanted the cement guys to get on it, but I think it turned out well. One thing I learned is that when reading the building codes, read them twice, I ended up putting hurricane bracing and clip on every stud. did not cost any real money but wasted some time.
When times get right, I'll have the roof taken off and asecond story room put on.
When the Parish inspector came by to sign off on the build, he asked me if I was worried about the building falling down? Because there was no way in hell, short of a tornado that would so it and he was not sure about that even, see the pictures below.