02-28-2010, 07:32 PM
Registered User
Join Date: May 2009
Location: sherman,tx
Posts: 347
Re: How about some pics of 88-98 Trucks
Originally Posted by 69-350
way better without steps. Now do a 94-up grille conversion, body match the grille, mirrors, even the little things like door handles and wiper arms, and it would look great, especially with some clear lenses in there, maybe clear LED parking lights and LED corner bulbs, that would help it out a bit. Body matching the grille is a big one, it really makes any truck look better, mine it helped out a lot, especially with all 8 lights in the front being black. Body matching the mirrors helped a lot too, and the handles and wiper arms were a couple little things that helped out. Whenever down the road I do body work, I'm also body matching the tailgate handle and it's bezel (I forgot to have them paint that, and I lost the bezel a long time ago anyways) And if you do get a newer grille, might I recommend if you get a new one, get a GM grille, not a cheap aftermarket grille. In under one year, mine has already cracked. I think being -25 to -40 area did it, but either way, the cheap ones are cheap, and crappy. Anyways, the Blaze looks nice!
thaks guys so what i can tell the only diffeernce between my grille and a 94+ is that there is no chrome trime around side marker lights correct so that would make the side marker lights lil bit bigger im gussin and how much does the gm grille cost and where do i get it.. down here the weather never gets that bad cold thankfully
truckin its not a hobby its a way of life
93 blazer
79 widestep