Driving Light Modification
I have been pretty quiet on this forum lately but thought I would share a modification I just completed on the 54. Since I do drive the truck on a daily basis I wanted to improve the lighting for those late night commutes home.
I was replacing the front bumper anyway so I decided to see what I could do in regards to installing driving lights into the bumper. I had seen another truck (ford) in a magazine with fog lights in the bumper and liked the presentation. I did not want to clutter up the front of the truck with some post mounted versions.
Using 4" exhaust tubing, some scrap metal and a pair of Hella Optilux 1300 lamps I went to town.
Here are a few pics.
More pictures of the process can be found on the picturetrail link in my sig for those interested.
Last edited by Houston54; 03-01-2010 at 03:52 PM.
Reason: wordsmithing